(My dear friend Karen Smyth of Fairfield was a logical choice when I needed someone to write this piece for the FairfieldCountyChild.com newsletter. Not only did she just successfully tackle the preschool hunt for her son, but she holds a Masters Degree in Early Childhood Education from Columbia University and before motherhood, she taught at the Wooster School in Danbury. Plus, she is highly organized and informed and when she talks about education, I listen carefully. Karen, thank you for all the helpful information!)
While we all laugh at stories of parents trying to get their little ones into the "perfect" preschool in hopes of one day sending them off to the Ivy League, there is something very humbling about deciding where to send your child to nursery school. We all want our children to be happy and fulfilled, confident and curious, smart and creative. And after watching them with pure wonder for the first few years of their lives, it is only natural that we would want to select a place that would further nurture their talents and love of learning.
Sounds easy enough until one embarks on the rather daunting experience of picking a preschool in Fairfield County. On one hand, we are fortunate to have so many excellent schools from which to choose. On the other hand, it can feel like making the right decision is essential to our child's future success and happiness. I personally have gone through this tumultuous process over the past few months and would like to think that I have learned a few things along the way.
First and foremost, there is no "right" school for everyone. Each child is an individual and has their own unique qualities and needs. What is truly important is to find the place that fits your child and your family. When it is right, you will know. Here are a few tips from my journey which I hope will help you along the way.
10. Start Early - When your little one is still adorably chubby and in diapers, you can't imagine sending them off to school, however the reality is that most schools start enrolling or creating their wait lists ONE year before your child would enroll. So the September BEFORE you plan to send your darling off to class is the right time to start your preschool search.
9. Research - Go online and look at websites of prospective schools in your area. Connecticut Parent Magazine lists preschools by town and is a good spot to start. Some local libraries will also have a listing of schools and a description of their philosophies, schedules, fees, etc.
8. Call Around - Call and find out how each school's enrollment process works. Some schools will have you sign up for their wait lists in September and then inform you if there is a spot on a rolling basis. Preference is often given to current students, their siblings, and in the case of some church nursery schools, enrolled members. Other schools are "first come, first serve" and will enroll you as soon as you pay a deposit. It is wise to place your child on the wait lists ASAP and then take your time to decide your top choices.
7. Visit - While listed at #7, nothing is more important than visiting while class is in session. Watch the interactions between the teachers and students, see if the building is inviting and child- friendly, look at the art work (one word?) and projects on the walls, and most importantly, decide if it is a place where your child (and you!) would fit in and feel at home.
6. Know Your Child - Each child is different. Your child may need small classes and a low teacher-child ratio to avoid feeling lost. Another child may thrive on the variety and enrichment of having a larger group of children and personalities.
5. Know Yourself- Decide early on how many days you want your child to be in school. You may love a Montessori approach, but do not feel ready to send your child to class five days a week. Some schools offer two-day programs and some are three-day. Others have options of morning and/or afternoon. You need to decide what works best for your family and your schedule.
4. Talk to Anyone and Everyone - Talk to other parents about where they sent their children and their experiences. While you are looking for what is best for you and you child, it is always helpful to hear from others who have been through it beforehand.
3. Think Outside of the Room - Children need to run and play as much as they need to listen and learn. Check out the outdoor playgrounds -make sure they look like positive places for your little one to run, explore, and enjoy.
2. Be Prepared to Wait - Some schools won't tell you whether your child has been accepted until they have gone through their current students, siblings, etc. If there is a school that you fall in love with that offers to put you on their wait list, do it! Many people put their little ones on multiple lists and there is a good chance that you will get a call and get into your top spot.
1. Be Happy with Your Choice - Once you have decided where you will send your child, do not be swayed by others and their choices. Embrace the school and community that you have chosen.
Preschool is an exciting - yet fleeting - time of childhood for all of you. Enjoy it - the days of college applications, and yes, trying to encourage that same child to go your own beloved alma mater, will come sooner than we would all like to imagine.
Sounds easy enough until one embarks on the rather daunting experience of picking a preschool in Fairfield County. On one hand, we are fortunate to have so many excellent schools from which to choose. On the other hand, it can feel like making the right decision is essential to our child's future success and happiness. I personally have gone through this tumultuous process over the past few months and would like to think that I have learned a few things along the way.
First and foremost, there is no "right" school for everyone. Each child is an individual and has their own unique qualities and needs. What is truly important is to find the place that fits your child and your family. When it is right, you will know. Here are a few tips from my journey which I hope will help you along the way.
10. Start Early - When your little one is still adorably chubby and in diapers, you can't imagine sending them off to school, however the reality is that most schools start enrolling or creating their wait lists ONE year before your child would enroll. So the September BEFORE you plan to send your darling off to class is the right time to start your preschool search.
9. Research - Go online and look at websites of prospective schools in your area. Connecticut Parent Magazine lists preschools by town and is a good spot to start. Some local libraries will also have a listing of schools and a description of their philosophies, schedules, fees, etc.
8. Call Around - Call and find out how each school's enrollment process works. Some schools will have you sign up for their wait lists in September and then inform you if there is a spot on a rolling basis. Preference is often given to current students, their siblings, and in the case of some church nursery schools, enrolled members. Other schools are "first come, first serve" and will enroll you as soon as you pay a deposit. It is wise to place your child on the wait lists ASAP and then take your time to decide your top choices.
7. Visit - While listed at #7, nothing is more important than visiting while class is in session. Watch the interactions between the teachers and students, see if the building is inviting and child- friendly, look at the art work (one word?) and projects on the walls, and most importantly, decide if it is a place where your child (and you!) would fit in and feel at home.
6. Know Your Child - Each child is different. Your child may need small classes and a low teacher-child ratio to avoid feeling lost. Another child may thrive on the variety and enrichment of having a larger group of children and personalities.
5. Know Yourself- Decide early on how many days you want your child to be in school. You may love a Montessori approach, but do not feel ready to send your child to class five days a week. Some schools offer two-day programs and some are three-day. Others have options of morning and/or afternoon. You need to decide what works best for your family and your schedule.
4. Talk to Anyone and Everyone - Talk to other parents about where they sent their children and their experiences. While you are looking for what is best for you and you child, it is always helpful to hear from others who have been through it beforehand.
3. Think Outside of the Room - Children need to run and play as much as they need to listen and learn. Check out the outdoor playgrounds -make sure they look like positive places for your little one to run, explore, and enjoy.
2. Be Prepared to Wait - Some schools won't tell you whether your child has been accepted until they have gone through their current students, siblings, etc. If there is a school that you fall in love with that offers to put you on their wait list, do it! Many people put their little ones on multiple lists and there is a good chance that you will get a call and get into your top spot.
1. Be Happy with Your Choice - Once you have decided where you will send your child, do not be swayed by others and their choices. Embrace the school and community that you have chosen.
Preschool is an exciting - yet fleeting - time of childhood for all of you. Enjoy it - the days of college applications, and yes, trying to encourage that same child to go your own beloved alma mater, will come sooner than we would all like to imagine.
Written by Karen Smyth of Fairfield
Image above courtesy of Tottington Nursery
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