
A Quick Reminder for FairfieldCountyChild.com Readers About Sponsored Recommendations

I've got a little housekeeping to do, so please bear with me. I hate being all business but I must make you aware of something and then it's back to my usual lighthearted fare. Promise!

Going forward, every Wednesday I'll feature a "sponsored recommendation." Up until now, I've been randomly posting these advertorials but now that I have more in the pipeline, I figure I'd post them on a regular basis. To maintain my credibility with my readers, I want to make it very clear which businesses are paying me and which I have stumbled upon myself and that I am writing about in a purely editorial manner. So, every Wednesday, the sponsored recommendation will be clearly noted with an asterisk (*) and a footnote.

If you have questions/comments/suggestions about any of the above, please email me at fairfieldcountychild@gmail.com.

PHEW.. there I'm done! Enough business for now. Thank you to my faithful subscribers and supportive advertisers! I am so grateful and happy to be working with you all...

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