It's a big day in Washington, but there's plenty of excitement for kids here in Fairfield County too. Last week, the Stamford Advocate/Greenwich Time announced a story contest for kids about the presidential office. Kids in 4th - 8th grade are eligible. Winners can receive up to $50! For all the details, click here or read below.
Come up with an ending to this story. There are two categories: For students in fourth, fifth and sixth grades; and for kids in grades seventh and eighth. Three winners from each category will receive gift certificates to Borders Book Store: $50 first place; $25 second place; $10 third place. Each entry must be at least 100 words but no more than 250 words. Entries will be judged by the Features staff on creativity, spelling and punctuation. There are four ways to enter your story middle: E-mail it to Terri.Vanech@scni.com. Fax it to Terri S. Vanech at 964-3773. Drop it off at the front desk of The Advocate or Greenwich Time in an envelope marked "Story contest, Features Department." Or mail: Terri S. Vanech, The Advocate/Greenwich Time, 9 Riverbend Drive S., Building 9A, Stamford, CT 06907. Make sure your entry includes your name, address, grade, school and phone number. Story endings must be in by noon Friday, Feb. 13. NO STORIES WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER THAT DATE. The winning entries will be printed in The Advocate and Greenwich Time Monday, March 2
Click here for the story that needs an ending. Good luck!
As an ex-employee, I feel obligated to say that it is "Greenwich Time" -- no s. It is a pun on Greenwich Mean Time that almost no one gets.
Other than that, keep it up, Meg!
ooops. fixing that now. thanks
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