
Fairfield County Child Readers Receive 10% Discount with Bearly Grown Keepsakes

I'm not really a very sentimental mother. I have trouble keeping up with the baby book and all the pictures I take rarely make it to an album or frame. I do, however, get all sappy when my daughter outgrows a particularly beautiful or special outfit. They're all folded neatly and packed away in airtight bins and unless a little sister comes along, they'll probably stay there for a very long time.

At least that's what I thought until I met Deb Ryan of Bearly Grown in Rowayton. She will create a beautiful teddy bear out of your child's clothes you just can't "bear" to part with.

Visit www.bearlygrown.com/ see how it works and to see images of some of her bears. Trust me, the pictures do not do them justice. In person you can see just how striking and well-made they really are. I'm not really a teddy-bear/stuffed animal lover, but even I can see how these would make the perfect gift. Deb told me about one customer who had one made for her daughter who was about to have her own child. The bear was made up of outfits the mother-to-be had worn as a baby. I well up just thinking about receiving a gift like that!! Another customer had one made for her daughter as a going away gift before leaving for college. Or you can have one made for your child to enjoy now before they're all grown up. Be sure to mention Fairfield County Child when you place your order to receive a special 10% discount off your bear.

Bearly Grown Keepsakes
Rowayton, CT
203. 536.6027

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great--I have one of Deb's bears, and it sits proudly on my bed every day. They are nothing less than beautiful. Buy one today as a Valentine's gift for your child!!