
Announcing the Lucky Leap Year Baby Contest from FairfieldCountyChild.com!!

On the one hand, I feel sorry for kids born on February 29th. Imagine if your real birthday only rolled around once every four years? But on the other hand, being a leap year baby makes for cool cocktail party conversation down the road. And now, thanks to some very generous donations from several area businesses (listed below) one very lucky leap year baby in Fairfield County (and his/her mommy) is about to win a gift basket filled with the following prizes:

In order to qualify for the Lucky Leap Year Baby Contest, an expectant parent should be a Fairfield County resident and FairfieldCountyChild.com newsletter subscriber. He/she must email name, due date, email address and phone number to fairfieldcountychild@gmail.com by midnight on Feb 28. Details about becoming a subscriber can be found by clicking here.

The prize will be awarded to the family whose new baby arrives first on February 29th. A copy of a birth certificate will be necessary to prove time and date of birth. I'll announce the winner here in mid-March! Good luck and thank you to all the generous local donors who are making this contest possible!
Photo above copyright of ShelfLifeShop.

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