See that beautiful girl in that picture above? That's Cora Poage of Superwoman Health and she is my health counselor. We've been meeting twice a month for the past few months to talk about everything from diet to exercise to nutrition. My sessions with her have resulted in me cooking more and taking more time for myself to focus on my own health and happiness (thanks Cora!).
Her work is mostly with women like us who are trying to fill multiple roles -- mother, employee, sister, chef, daughter, wife, girlfriend, friend, etc, and tend to put their own needs low on their list of priorities. Her motto is "Self-care and self-love are NOT selfish!" Clients within her program learn to put their needs first, speak from their authentic Truth, embrace their bodies as temples of their souls, and take action steps towards the realization of their dreams. She specializes in weight loss, body love, relationship counseling, and family health.
Contact her for a FREE initial health consultation, either over the phone or in person. Mention that you found out about Superwoman Health on FairfieldCountyChild.com and receive a 10% discount off the program price.
You can also get a taste for what Cora has to offer this Saturday, November 22nd during her FREE teleclass. Call in from home at either 11am or 1pm. In 30-40 minutes, she'll give you valuable tips for maintaining your health during the holidays, and even improving it! She'll discus making healthy food choices, how to fit the activity in to the schedule, and also surrounding yourself with positive people and energy.
Please RSVP to Cora Poage at superwomanhealth@hotmail.com. Pick either 11am or 1pm on Saturday, November 22nd. Cora will email you back with the phone number to call on that day.
Please RSVP to Cora Poage at superwomanhealth@hotmail.com. Pick either 11am or 1pm on Saturday, November 22nd. Cora will email you back with the phone number to call on that day.
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