
Reminder! Baby Goods Drive for Young Parents Program Begins Today!

Last night I was up half the night with a nasty cold feeling sorry for myself until I started watching the CNN Heroes Special. Have you seen it? I think they've been replaying it a lot since it first aired a few days ago. If you're lucky enough to catch it, grab some tissues because the profiles of everyday heroes from around the world will move you to tears. As one of the honorees said (to paraphrase), "If all of us donated just a little bit of our time and money to those in need, this world would be a better place."

Which brings me to Jessica Connolly of Stamford -- a super cool mom who is organizing a baby goods drive for Family Center's Young Parents Program and it kicks off today! She's donating A LOT of her time to help the community and she needs our assistance. Please click here for all the details and to find out how you can pitch in this holiday season.

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